Thursday, October 27

3 ways to manage your differences with your Husband.

''If you are wrong and you shut up, you are wise.If you are right and you shut up,you are married"

Many wives try to force changes in their husbands, not only is this exhausting, the change might literally not come up at the end. it is also an insult to our own individual uniqueness. God has made us distinct with each of us having different personalities, wants and needs.

Take a moment and think about this; Do you know our individual DNA,the double strands,our fingerprints is restricted to us and us alone. so think again if you really think you can change your husband.

Differences, however tends to add sauce to life, conflicts are bound to happen no matter who you are with. this is what makes the relationships worth the stress. lets talk about these 3 ways that might help you manage your individual differences.

1.- Conflict is inevitable; when you acknowledge this fact, you've taken an added advancement, emotionally and psychologically, This difference in personality might be something very complex,maybe something you are trying hard to cope with, or maybe something very simple; you might want him to always drop you at your own office, and he might probably just keeping dropping you 2 bus stops before your office.

The size of the conflict doesn't really matter. what really counts is how manage these issues. singly or together. but i know you are smart wife, so just tend to slow down the tempo okay?

2.- Give clear-cut complaints only!.- people are not their behaviors,we are not our habits either, we accumulate these traits overtime, consciously or sub consciously. they can be unlearned. when you hit the nail on the head, rather than beating around the bush, the problem becomes easier to address. however he might have peeved you, just go straight to the point. no stress.

3.-Compassion.- you might always notice some personal differences in your husband and you might always feel like yelling, but you know what? you are just too great a wife for that, if you choose to see these differences as a gift, then you automatically open your pathway to greater acceptance. Concentrate on your husband's strength and give complements often..

Don't forget, we all struggle. God bless your union.

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