Monday, October 31

4 Reasons Why You're Depressed at Work And What To About it.

''One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself , know who you are, what you believe in and where you want to go''. - Sheila Murray

If you find yourself waking up unmotivated on a Monday morning, frustrated with the way the week went.

Or you're generally unhappy within your workplace or outside, then it's time to make a change, leave the job totally or change some things perhaps?

For some people an exit sounds very lovely, but sadly, it's unrealistic for them.

If you leaving your job isn't right for you, then we need to figure out how we can make the environment less stressful for you.

Being depressed at work is a global problem, this makes us less productive, less effective, and generally not motivated.

Let's address some reasons that might help you understand why you're unhappy at work.

1. Salary. At the end of each month you just look at your account balance and you feel unfulfilled and sad. you feel like you're harder than you're than what you're getting paid for.

But i have to warn you, if you want to equal your level of happiness with your basic salary, then you need to step your game, your level of intent must match your efforts.

You have to look for more ways to contribute, you have to perform, come up with solutions to problems that's happening in your circle and your will get satisfaction that goes beyond just your salary.

2. Your Co-workers. You don't like the people you work with or you probably not working with those people you really want to work with within the organisation.

The best thing you can do is handle these people you don't like with some objectivity and emotional stability. Constant complain about your co-workers might make you seem a bit too much of a complainer.

You still need to ask yourself if the people are really the problem or you're just overreacting.Always start with self examination before jumping into conclusions.

3.You Feel Trapped. This when you feel extremely unchallenged and bored and yet there's nothing you can do... Well, maybe there's something you can do.

When you spend too much of your time during boring stuffs, it might affect some other part of your life, so you need to look for inspiration outside of work.

What i'm really saying is that you just look for somethings to motivate you about your work, maybe thinking of why you chose the work in the first place.

There are so many career related audios or video tapes that you can watch, you can even motivate your colleague out of the blue while still feeling good about yourself.

If doesn't turn you on, you might want to go for a walk instead, or just find something that can really get you back in the game.

4.Expectations.  Do you have an overly demanding boss that expects you to do too much in just too little time?

You need to learn how to manage demanding bosses, not doing do is critical, this might always bring that feeling of your work not being just satisfactory enough.

Even your self esteem will deteriorate over time if it continues that way.

Allow this to continue is vital, i'm not saying you should yell at your boss or argue, No.

You just need to courageously communicate the details of the work assigned to you, making your boss for aware how long it will take to complete a given task.

You should not assume your boss knows and understands the time it takes to complete an assignment.

You must make them aware of the human limits and priorities. Lastly, you must find a common ground to establish your terms and ways to create a symbiotic expectations.

Darling, Just own it. have blessed week

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