Sunday, October 30

How to Not Be a Newbie Fashion Designer When You're a Newbie Fashion Designer

''Fashion is life, and just like life,you must always express your feelings freely'' - Adama ndiaye

Every fashion designer started with this one question; How can i be a success in this field?

Some chose to attend the university and get a fashion degree, others turned to fashion schools, while some other part of the group chose to start the business from the start and in hope that they'll turn to fashion schools or attend some courses later to refine their skills.

This is a very broad field but we'll just look at some basics you can work on today.

When you ask young women, what do you want to become in this field, i tend to hear the normal from almost every young women, which is ''i just want to be a fashion designer''. i think you need to be specific and start taking your dreams very seriously.

You know most designers work with design models, pick , search,or think about a design model that you really admire, now ask yourself '' can i implement the model i just visualized''?

If you can, very good, if you can't, no cause for alarm. i trust you are going to get better very soon. greatness is a lot of small things done well.

Lets quickly list out some basic steps to help you get better in no time.

(1)Knowing how to make the basic pattern of the any design you are working on (very important)

(2)Choice of fabric, i already did a post on this one; you need a very good knowledge about the textile and fabric that are in the market, their characteristics and effects on appearance.

(3)How to implement the fabric on the mannequin; A mannequin is that doll used to display clothing

(4)Knowing how to adjust and pad the mannequin to fit your desired sizes.

(5)Basic use of hand stitches to complete to complete your design.

(6) Effective use of the sewing machine.

You see many young woman whom after acquiring basics in drawing and coloring on papers, they feel that's all there is. That is why we have many young frustrated beginners these days. Fashion designing is indeed a very broad field.

So you must know how to implement your design, many so called designers today have designs that cannot even be implemented by them, not because these designs can't be implemented, this is mostly due to inappropriate knowledge and principles of design.

There's not limit to how versatile you can be, you can create various model under one classification. Once you know and master your craft, you can express your ideas in more than one way.

As they say, there are 1000 ways to skin a cat!

This is a very great  field you've chosen, So, Believe in yourself and make things happen. stay blessed

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