Thursday, October 27

3 Communication skills every wife must have

''Marriage is not 50/50, divorce is 50/50 . Marriage has to be 100/100. it isn't dividing everything in half, but giving everything you've got - Dave willis

We all know how vital effective communication is to you and your husband, bad communication can lead to so many things we should not try to imagine. how can you prevent that? lets discuss some points, shall we?

1.- 105% Attention- Do unto others what you want to be done unto you, when having a conversation with your husband, eliminate all sorts of distractions, divided listening can really be an obstacle in marital communication, for example, lets say you are trying to have a very important discussion with or someone important and they cant seem to get off their phone or stop staring at their computers or Tvs.

  This can be very frustrating right? when your hubby asks or wants to have a discussion with you and he sees you are giving an undivided attention, do you know you are being seductive?(depends on how you use your eyes sha)  our eyes are our most powerful tool, use it well! cutting off all distractions show you are really willing to listen and give him your undivided attention. and you know what? its priceless.

2.- Seeing Things From Their Perspective- When you do this effectively, only this one thing can give an edge. Does he come home late? don't just complain like he expects you to. when you try and ask what really happened, seeing this from his own window. he might just try to see things from your own angle too, that you're just concerned about his security, she's just being a caring and loving wife, he'll say. Are you caring and loving?

3.- Timing- There are some certain times you should never talk about certain topics, don't even bring them up. i know you know what i'm talking about. you're an awesome wife. put it under control.

Husbands can be very annoying at times, but hey, you love him right? fight,Argue but stay married.

Share your thoughts and lets talk. God bless your family.

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