Thursday, October 27

3 Ways to be irreplaceable at your place of work.

''I didn't always know what i wanted to do, but i knew the kind of woman i want to become'' - Diane furstenberg .

With the kind of momentum our beloved country is moving at, Job security has and will be a very tough concern for everybody in the corporate world, with the rate at which people are being laid off, slashing of salaries, all these factors might  might be a concern for your own job security.

Do you know that even in your own company have some staffs that are too important to be laid off? i'm sure you do and i'm not only talking about those men and women at the top level alone, we both know some recruits can be in this position too.

How can you be the Go-to person in your office? your  bosses at the top counting on you for almost everything, that would be great right? Lets see what you might have been doing wrong

1.- Extra work-  this just very simple, be willing to do a little more than is required of you. but Nigerians in the corporate world can be funny sometimes. what most employees don't know is that the top level executives, i mean those top level executives  are always watching. if you don't know. know that now.

They notice everything that is gong on, they know all the strengths and weaknesses of their workers. become the Go-to person, do somethings that are not required of you, but its your work. so do it diligently, let your fellow employees call you names, don't mind them, you already know where you are going. Be there before the boss arrives and also be there when he leaves.

2.- Come with solutions,not problems- There's something you and your co workers are always complaining about. it might not be something you can fix yourself, but offering insights on how it can be fixed or referring the company to someone that can fix, is something only special employees like you can do. think solutions all day and see the real change.

3.- Attitude- Hmm, attitude. this might sound like a cliche but do you know that most people don't value their jobs at all? they see it as a means of survival or just some routine check, does that make sense? work is to be enjoyed and how can you enjoy work when your attitude is just not recommendable? Your attitude is contagious, people will organically be drawn to that full of life person, that smiles a lot and have good communication skills (that's you right?)

Is life not even too short not to be happy about? Stay blessed and make sure you drop your comments and Share.

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