Thursday, October 27

3 Parenting Skills You Might Not Have As A Mother

''Each Day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory bank of our children''- Charles swindell

I think you are a great mom,yes you ma, you, by reading this you are already doing what 99% of mothers will not do. There's something unique about nigerian mothers,i don't know if its in our DNA to always want to go to any length for our child. is it just me that feel that way or do we sync?

The raising of children and all the responsibilities and activities that come with it can be overwhelming sometimes, we tend to lag in some few disciplines that we should not, but that's the point, we are human and not robots, mistakes are inevitable. Lets discuss just 3 points this morning.

1.- Mother/child Relationship skills- being a mother is not easy, lets face the truth, but whatever is worth doing is worth doing well right? How often do you spend Quality time with your children?  Do you know that 1 hour of quality time is much more valuable than 10 hours of passive time?

I know most times you are probably too tired because of work and some other things, but remember that your babies are your queens and kings, they are all you got, so make out time to share their own activities with them, do something they love doing with them,bond with them, they are your future!

2.- Sincere Appreciation- The most extraordinary feelings in the world can't be seen with our eyes, we feel them in our hearts. that little appreciative and encouraging word you say to them when they do something good no matter how small will go a long way. it will, give it a try. everybody wants to be understood , so please do keep an open communication.

3.- Manage Your Mood-  Every mother wants what they believe is best for their children. Do you know moods are very contagious? you might not always be in the mood to communicate sometimes which is very understandable, but how do you relate it to your kids? do you just scream at them? this might lead to miscommunication on their own part, when they don't know whats really wrong with mummy.

Try the soft and tender approach, communicate how you feel in a low soft tone and you know kids, they might light up your world that very minute!

That's it supermom, don't forget to drop your comments and share. God bless you!

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