Friday, October 28

3 Simple Ways To Stay In Shape

Do you know your fitness is 100% mental? Your body won't go if your mind doesn't push it. I know sometimes it pains you to continue but it's going to be much worse if you stop.

Your body achieves what your mind believes, most women think a man can make them feel sexy,strong, blah blah. sorry, that's a cliche. Exercise makes you strong and sexy. Keeping fit is not and should not be about being better than anybody,

It's about being better than you used to be,physically,mentally and spiritually. most people let themselves off the hook with the i don't have enough time syndrome. well, i'm here to tell you that it's not about having time but making time. Yesterday, you said tomorrow.

You need to look good and keep fit for you, we all know it increases our self esteem.

Keep calm and work it out, One pound a time.

1.- Find a way to enjoy exercise- This is simple, move at your own pace. when you get comfortable with a routine, you will eventually find a way to enjoy it and even anticipate it. i challenge you to find a different approach, one that works for you and you alone.

Once you believe you can do this, you're half way there.

2.- Don't Diet-  The only thing you should consider paying attention to is your body. what keeps you energized throughout the day?

 listen to your body when it comes eating, when you're having a well balanced meal, your body will tell you when it needs refueling.

You really don't need to starve yourself, just make clean and healthy eating a priority. take is slow. slow progress is better than no progress.

Stop saying i wish and start saying i will.

3.- You don't need to make the Gym your 2nd Home- well, we the Tv and we see athletes getting on some extreme routines and all those stuffs, which is good though for athletes. Are you trying to be an athlete, wrestler, a professional body builder or you are just trying to stay in shape?

You really don't need to become an health extremist who does extreme routines and probably spend all day at the gym. Even running for at least 10 minutes a day at an enduring pace  has been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Focus on health.

What seems impossible today will one day be your warm up, everything you need is already inside of you. you did not come to this world to be average.

Every pro was once an amateur, so decide to start now. When you begin to see results, it becomes an addiction.

Don't make excuses, make results and stay awesome.

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