Saturday, October 29

A message to our hijabite sisters

''And tell the believing women to reduce (some) of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which (necessarily) appears thereof and to wrap their head-covers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands' fathers,their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters sons, their women, that which their right hand posses, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.'' Q, 24;31

True is the word of Almighty Allah, the uncreated creator, the most benevolent and the most merciful. God who commanded the best of mankind and custodian of good tidings, Prophet Muhammad(SAW).

The above quoted commandment which was revealed in an unedited, unadulterated, and unblemished Glorious Quran and had been in existence for more than 14 centuries.

Muslims of this generation have nothing to add or remove but to abide by the instruction of the Supernatural God in whose hand lays the most sophisticated remote controls with which affairs of men are manned.

He has the key the key to life and death, he can give and take without permission or approval from anybody, anytime and anywhere.

Hijab is an obedient way of worshipping Allah without questioning the morale behind the commandment, or subjecting the commandment to the opinion and view of the people. Since our creator is the Most Wise, He knows that his commandment is for the good of individuals and the society at large.

While on-lookers see Hijab as a symbol of muslim woman identity, Muslim women see hijab as a religious obligation which is a test of her faith in Allah.

Hijab represents a woman's submission to her creator and her connection with the faith. when a muslim woman wears hijab, she is obeying and submitting to Allah.

When a woman wears hijab; she liberates herself from the vain and selfish desire to show off her beauty in competition with other women around her. The innate desire of wanton display of opulence is tamed by modesty of hijab covering.

The tendency of being enslaved by the corporate capitalistic industry known for publishing naked women to sell anything is removed.  when we wear hijab, we deprive privy eyes from scrutinizing our physical appearance and foreclose the possibility of passing a comment about our beauty.

It is however painful that in the society, which shows  tolerance towards those who flex around in nudity; finds it difficult to tolerate obedient servants of Allah who on their won volition adhere strictly to the injunction of the Supreme Being who has the final say on the day of reckoning.

We are living in an era where woman dignity is relegated to the background. they count it as a norm, any form of indecent dressing of woman and ungodly acts.

Contrary to the reason why we wear hijab, they ascribe inferiority, backwardness, and enslavement to the usage of the veil.  while advocate of nudity are attacking our mode of dressing, the enemies of the state are disguising in our attire to execute their dastard acts.

Suicide bombers and insurgents are carrying out their deadly mission with Hijab. this act further proves the enemies of Allah are stopping at nothing to discourage us from obeying His commandment and lead us astray having discovered the right path to everlasting salvation.

They want to instigate the society against wearing of Hijab, and by extension compel of the government to ban us from adorning the veil. Historical documentation has it that the evil planners had been in existence for long. from generations to generations, they constitute themselves as hindrances to the full devotion of the believers.

They did more than that during the time of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), they conspired
 against his disciples with the aim of deriding the message they were to pass to generations. Evidence  abounds that the consistence and persistence of the people of faith in the past stand them out today as our mentors,teachers, heroes and pride.

Our joy lies in the fact that the choice of Hijab is not our decision but Allah's commandment. As evil doers are planning to dissuade the society from wearing hijab; Allah is planning to make hijab a symbol of Glory. The battle is not our own, we leave the aspersions, vituperations, defamation, and conspiracy of the enemy of Hijab to the Almighty Allah who command us to wear the veil. He will reward each and every one of us accordingly.

Every first of February is dedicated for the commemoration of the world Hijab day, women of all religious affiliations are encouraged to dress like us and tell us how they feel with the Hijab. The exercise commenced in the year 2013 by Nazman Khan, a New york resident who purposely designed to counteract that Hijab is a symbol of oppression and segregation.

Nigeria was commemorated in 2014, since then activities to mark the day has been lined up across the states of the federation.

this was originally written by Hajia Aminat Omoti, The Amira Of Federation Of muslim women Associations In Nigeria. and yess! i'm a proud muslim too.

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