Friday, October 28

How Fashion Designers Can Improve Customer Experience

                                         "Life Isn't Perfect,But Your Outfit Can be''

As a fashionist, customers experience tactics begins with knowing what your customer really needs or wants, which is going to be proportional to their expectations of you. The effort you put into building customer relationship will mirror the amount of long term clients you get and how far you are going to go in the industry.

Knowing this, you can begin to work on how you can create a interpersonal business atmosphere, that might even surpass your customers expectations of you.

We as human beings all need human engagement, we love to feel important, the old saying that people can forget a lot of things about you but definitely not how you made them feel. you should begin to treat your every customer very well and try to turn every transaction they have with you into a personalized experience.

You should be building a relationship beyond fashion, a relationship that can translate to many other things in the future, How do you want to be remembered? the lousy designer who doesn't know when to talk or when you just listen? or. okay this should be you, or the down to earth, pretty, jovial designer? who is just as passionate about being the best she can be for her customers while loving her work still.

You should make a choice this morning and get to work. i know you have that mind sight, and i know you have vision for authorities. so don't ever settle for less than you can actually become.  God bless you. You can share your thoughts with me, a question perhaps?

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