Friday, October 28

3 Strategies to navigating a successful career

 ''To be successful, the first thing to do is to fall in love with your work'' -  Sister mary lauretta

These days we see how rapidly women are advancing in their career all over the world. prior to a blog post i read on muyiwa afolabi's blog sometime this year. women are now being represented in the workforce in a very large number these days. what really separates dreamers from doers is just goals. lasting success can be created through good habits. Women from all around the world are breaking career barriers, don't be left out.

1.- Productivity- it is not enough to just be 'busy' without having anything to show for it. are you really working at your full capacity? does your output reflects your best efforts? when you get to the office, do the most important things first, don't procrastinate, you want to gist and have fun with your girlfriends? that's why you have a lunch time or something. you really need to start taking your work serious and become more productive,

This helps you get more done in lesser time than you can actually imagine. focus on the work at hand. too much multitasking stresses the brain out, start today to become more result oriented, focus solely on the task at hand. be immersed in the present moment and get your job done faster and effectively.

2.- Confidence- Are you a positive person? optimism is very important in your career, it works hand in hand with confidence. Where do you see yourself 3 years from this time? What kind of people do you surround yourself with? you see, positive people make you feel about yourself because they automatically feel good about themselves, these set of people are the kind of people you want to relate it at your place of work.

When you surround yourself with positive people, you become enthusiastic about your life,family,career. Self confidence enhances the quality of our work, which determines our level of output. Become a positive person today, think positive thoughts only.

Since there's no one on earth just like you, you have no reason to feel inferior. gain confidence today.

3.- Reputation-  This is golden, reputations are build over a long period of time, but can be damaged in nano seconds. Guard it with your life. you should view yourself from the eyes of your colleagues, it takes a lot to be a reputable person, positively. be a woman of your words, don't say what you cannot do, always help others sincerely, always do a little more than is required, be consistent, and most of all, be a magnificent woman.

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