Wednesday, October 26

How To Be A Freelance Make Up Artist

''women are like tea we don't know we don't know our strengths until we are in hot water'' - Eleanor Roosevelt 
  i just get very annoyed people talk about nigerian girls as being dumped and not being business savvy.
   The most annoying part us when they tell you that the average american girls earns so and so $ per hour. well you should start telling them to bring those girls they compare you with down here and see if they can blossom in this kind of atmosphere.

As a make up artist, you are the backbone of your profession, if any change is going to happen, only you can make that dream become a reality, and you are powerful more than you can imagine.

A freelance make up artist is that person who performs make up on her own terms, that is you are not tied to any beauty salon, just like an eagle, you go out an soar on your own. people order for your services when they need you, as opposed to just sitting in the studio and hoping for customers to come.

This leads to a wide range of comfort and flexibility as you get to spend more time on building relationships with your potential clients. lets discuss these 2 points.

1. Be your own advertiser- whenever you want to leave the house, don't ever set foot outside your gate, i don't know where you are going and i don't care(lie,we are family) but the point is always wear your own work! showcase your productivity in a professional and inspiring manner.

you know how ants are attracted to sweet things right? soon enough, wherever you go, people will begin to build up communication with you and commend your work. make sure you tell them it's yours, that you made it by yourself and for yourself, next, hand them a business card(get a card soon,it's not that expensive) you can achieve anything you put your mind to, anything! say, it's possible.

2. Even the Holy Bible Said Ask and? - build up your confidence and tell them to refer you to their friends and loved ones. well, why would they not want to? i have faith in you, create something magical on their faces!

please do not offer discount in turn for customers to anyone if you are a pro, you are not shoprite, you are phenomenal. its generally an insult to the professionals, like you, don't settle for less. Thank you for your time, don't forget to drop your comment and share. God bless you.

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